
Take A Minute

Take a minute and pause today.  Sit back, close your eyes and take in a deep breath.  Then let it out.  Drown out any interfering noise and only focus on your breath.  Stay here for a moment, or a minute.

Every day we are pulled in lots of directions.  We're asked to make choices, affirm decisions, back-down, buck-up, run in circles, and stand perfectly still, sometimes all within one day.  It's very easy to get "caught up".  Especially when everything around us seems to be spinning and then it can happen in an instant. We lose our temper. This happens in life and will happen during your planning process. 

It's important to remember during these high-stress moments to pause and catch yourself.  There will undoubtedly be many opinions given (or thrown) at you for how your wedding should be prepared.  Ultimately it is you, the planner, who will need to set the tone for how the process will continue. 


I know a bride whose bridal party contains many different personalities... one that is particularly difficult.  She asked me the best way to go about speaking with this BM (bridesmaid) to ensure that no ones ears would spout steam.  I told her about The Little Book On BIG Ego by Joel Epstein.

This book is one that everyone should read whether you're planning or involved in a wedding, or not.  The book is great in explaining how to take information in, process it, pause... then respond.  I think too often our inherent reaction is to react. We forget sometimes to take that extra second to fully digest the information we're given.  We are such little egomaniacs. 

Most often, the people who are the most difficult or unyielding are the ones who lack the most confidence. The loudest person in a conversation typically has the weakest argument, and as such, uses stubbornness or volume to try and maintain dominance. 

Remember this and remember to stay in your moment.  Allow an open ear and respond accordingly. Be cool, calm, and collected.   It's easier said than done, but an excellent exercise for anyone to try or consider.  Taking that extra moment to allow your "information traffic cop" to fully interpret the message being received will save a great deal of mental exhaustion and unnecessary annoyance. 

Oh and what about that bridesmaid?  The bride kept her ears open and in a firm, yet friendly manner laid the ground work for her day. The bridesmaid understood, didn't argue, and is happily moving forward with the rest of the bridal party. 

Wishing you a very calm rest of your day :)